
I am the oldest of sevenRobbyBioPic
I am the younger of two

I am a farm boy at heart
I am an urban greenery in practice

I have known great loss,
I have a great love

I wish I could sleep more
I find revelation and art in wakefulness

I thrive on conversation
I crave isolation

I think feeding people is love
I wish food wasn’t addictive

I value fur and feathers above all else
I hate cleaning the cat box

I love history
I hate that we never learn

I think art is food for the soul
I find that so many are soul-less

I don’t worry about ISIS
I fret about icing

I love orange
I tolerate the rest

I long for foreign shores
I ache to stay home

I find contradictions sexy
I crave more order

I wish I walked more
I am thankful for my fake hips

I think HIV is a scourge
I thank HIV for my life

I believe that all people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime
Our sacred duty is to determine which

Robby Sherwin is an artist/writer/photographer and permanent re-engager who lives near Palm Springs, CA. for the second time around in 30 years.  He is happily ensconced with his husband of 31 years and always up for a new adventure.

10 thoughts on “Home

  1. Oh I’m so excited to have drummed you up these days. It’s Wilson, from APEX, and I miss your beautiful face and educated words. Things are crazy around PDX. You stay warm and dry and keep on loving down there my friend. Your art will forever adorn the walls of the house I bought with my wife!

    1. Doll! I’m so happy to hear from you! We are locked down in Palm Springs but there are SO many worse places we could be. All well and as healthy as old farts can be these days. robby@wuzzle.com robbysherwin on FB. Thanks for dropping in! I just published a new piece on this whole situation: Grateful Is Boring Hugs!

  2. You are an excellent writer! Keep up the great work!

    So refreshing to read your piece.

    Alexandra from Milwaukee

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